75 Meter Extra Class WAS Net

Suggestions For The Net

we0a says:
October 24, 2017 at 8:58 pm  (Edit)
I’m game. Where do you want NEW posts. I’ve got a couple of topics:
– Later meetup for some west coast station QSOs,
– ARRL Logbook of The World (LoTW) in addition to cards & eQSL

posted by Kevin in From the Membership and have Comments (5)

5 Responses to “Suggestions For The Net”

  1. Kevin says:

    New posts are best placed under the NEWS header

    We used to have 2nd shift NCS that allowed for many west coast QSO’s, but condx have not helped last few seasons.

    Re: LoTW, good question for Board members

  2. AE2T says:

    All posts end up under NEWS. In fact, we could change the name to POSTS.
    I think WE0A is thinking of the categories, which help organize the posts. This one fell into the ‘uncategorized’ bucket.
    There are only a few categories set up. Kevin, feel free to add more as you see fit. They are in the right sidebar when you edit a post from the dashboard. There is also a dashboard place for managing them.

  3. we0a says:

    Yes, it appears that finding “normal” hour net control is a bit of a challenge. I wonder if we could do an “unofficial” meetup at a different time. Perhaps only during certain days. As an example only: 5am (UTC) on Saturdays.

    As a reminder: Geratol contacts DO NOT have to happen during a net. No one needs to give you a “good contact” confirmation for a QSO to count. A QSL card does that.

  4. Kevin says:

    In response to WE0A (Jeff) question re: Using LoTW for GERATOL QSO confirmation. Below my explanation, there is an excerpt from the FAQ section of LoTW site at the ARRL. As you will see, and based on viewing my own personal uploads to LoTW, the “exact” frequency is not a requirement, but rather the BAND is what gets uploaded. Hence, we could not confirm the GERATOL QSO’s were made in the Extra Class portion of the band, which is a requirement for the Unbelievable Operating Achievement Basic Award.

    From ARRL Web Site: What constitutes a QSO “match?”
    Two submitted descriptions of a QSO match if
    your QSO description specifies a call sign that matches the Call sign Certificate specified by the Station Location your QSO partner used to digitally sign the QSO
    your QSO partner’s QSO description specifies a call sign that matches the Call sign Certificate specified by the Station Location you used to digitally sign the QSO
    both QSO descriptions specify start times within 30 minutes of each other
    both QSO descriptions specify the same band
    both QSO descriptions specify the same mode (an exact mode match), or must specify modes belonging to the same Mode Group

  5. we0a says:

    Just to show an example QSL record from LoTW. This is one that was cryptographically signed by both parities. I do think it does work for all award. I do appreciate the motion and also the rule modification. I really appreciate both. You guys are great to work with.

    Call Sign WE0A
    CQ Zone 4
    ITU Zone 7
    Grid EN34AD
    State Minnesota (MN)
    County BLUE EARTH
    Worked Station
    Worked K0FD
    CQ Zone 4
    ITU Zone 7
    Grid EM36QO
    State Missouri (MO)
    County OZARK
    Date/Time 2017-10-23 02:01:00
    Mode SSB (PHONE)
    Band 80M
    Frequency 3.66800
    QSL 2017-10-23 02:10:07
    Record ID 869028769 Received: 2017-10-23 02:06:05