75 Meter Extra Class WAS Net

Cards for Ken WV1Y

Dave, KJ8V alerted me to the fact our good friend Ken Magee WV1Y has not checked into the net this season.  This is very unlike Kenny, since he is one of our most dedicated net members, and checks in most evenings.

After contacting some folks I found out that Ken has a severely broken leg and is still in rehab,  52 days so far and counting.  It’s going to be a long and arduous process for him.

He could use a little cheering up to say the least, so we would like to encourage you all to take a minute and send a card, (His assistant said he’d love to get greetings via a blank QSL card).

His address is:

Ken Magee WV1Y

17 Deidra Court

Warwick, R.I., 02889

His assistant retrieves his mail daily, and will bring the cards directly to Ken.  Let’s take a minute out of our busy schedules to fire a card, either QSL with a note on it,  or even a get well card to Ken wishing him a healthy recovery.

Ken making a QSO in his shack

Thanks, Kevin N1KL


posted by Kevin in From the Administrator,GERATOL NET NEWS,Uncategorized and have Comments (2)

2 Responses to “Cards for Ken WV1Y”

  1. Dave KJ8V says:

    Kevin, Thanks for getting in touch with Kenny’s care taker. I could not remember about Jack being his friend and I tried to call Ken 5 or 6 times to no avail. That’s when I got really concerned about him. Really appreciate your help. Nice to know that Geratolers do look out for one another. Sandy and I have sent a card to Ken. Thanks a million again Dave KJ8V

  2. Kevin says:

    Ken, in case you have access to a computer while in rehab, all the best from the GERATOL gang !! Get well soon, and we look forward to “The Voice of Rhode Island” joining us again on the net. Regards, Kevin N1KL