75 Meter Extra Class WAS Net

October Board Meeting

The October board meeting of the GERATOL Net was held on 3.668Mhz at 0100UTC (8PM CDST) on 29 Oct 2014.

Present were: W0FP, KJ8V, KJ8W, AI4IL, WV9O, WX4H, and AA0ZP. A quorum was present.

The Chairman asked if there was any old business; there being none, he asked for any new business.

There were two items: first, W0FP is making changes and updates to the Net Information Packet.

Second, AI4IL is updating and making changes to the Net Preamble.

There being no additional business, the Chairman asked for a motion to adjourn. AA0ZP so moved and KJ8W seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously passed and the meeting was adjourned at 0104UTC.

Respectfully submitted, Frank Taylor – AA0ZP, Secretary-GERATOL Net

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