Alaska Schedules for those in need of working AK
This Friday East Coast (Actually, Saturday morning) at 0600Z on 3.668 Mhz So, that is 1AM East Coast time on Saturday morning. We have Dean, from Homer AK who will be on frequency to work those in need of an AK QSO for their basic, or for any other endorsements.
I will be operating remote from the state of WA, to insure he can hear me, as we begin to try and make QSO’s. In addition, Louis – N9LY will be on frequency from WI, to insure those who may need to call from the East Coast are heard, and put on the list to make a call.
I listened to the Alaska SNIPER NET last night, on 3.920 from the WA remote station I use, and was able to hear Dean loud and clear in WA. 5/9++
In addition, we have had another AK operator, Eric from Fairbanks, AK volunteer to try and work stations on the GERATOL NET frequency of 3.668 Mhz on Sunday evening, at midnight East Coast time, or 0500Z.
Once again, I will be operating remote from either WA or OR to insure Eric can hear us, and to get things rolling, for those who were unable to work Dean on our previous sked.
I have not yet asked Louis, N9LY but hope he can also be on hand for this schedule with Eric, to help insure those calling from the East Coast can be heard, as we try and make contact with Eric.
Both Eric and Dean are aware of the need to swap QSL cards, and I have told them both, those working either of them, would send an SASE with their QSL. So, no need to try and communicate how you wish to swap QSL cards, we have already informed both, and would like to keep it that way.
PLEASE, NO eQSL requests, since neither of them use eQSL.
So there you have it. TWO shots, with two different ops from AK on two different evenings, to try and get the elusive AK QSO in your log books.
If anyone has any questions, feel free to reply to this post, or email me at
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