75 Meter Extra Class WAS Net


Board Mtg Minutes from session held 1/27/24:

The Chairman, Frosty W0FP opened the board meeting at 01:00Z on January 27, 2024 for the purpose
of putting in place new officers for the GERATOL Net.
There were four nominations tabled in the meeting which are listed:
Frosty, W0FP – Chairman
Kenny, KE9TC – Vice Chairman
Dale, WG5N – Secretary
Bob, AI4IL – Treasurer.
A request was floored by Frosty, W0FP – Chairman, three times for any additional nominations. There
were none.
A motion was made by Frank, AA0ZP and seconded by Kenny, KE9TC to accept the four listed above as
the new officers.
A motion was made by Dale, WG5N and seconded by Frank, AA0ZP to adjourn the meeting.
The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 01:04 on January 27, 2024.
Minutes Submitted by Dale Chrisman, WG5N – Secretary – GERATOL Net

Board Mtg Minutes from session held 2/11/21:

As required by the club by-laws, a meeting of the GERATOL Board of Directors was called to order by the Chairman W0FP, at 0100 UTC on 12 Feb 2021.  Present were W0FP, AA0ZP, KJ8V, KJ8W, and N1KL.  There was a quorum present.  There was no business to discuss and the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 0102 UTC. Respectfully submitted, Frank Taylor, AA0ZP, GERATOL Secretary

Board Mtg Minutes from session held on: 1/12/20:

From the GERATOL Chairman of the Board:

We had one nomination for each office.

A motion was made to elect the nominees to office as there were no nominations made from the floor.

So our newly elected officers are:
Chairman W0FP 2026
Vice Chairman KE9TC 2437
Secretary AA0ZP 1932
Treasurer KJ8W 2594



Board Mtg Minutes from session held on: 2/10/19:

From the GERATOL Net Secretary, AA0ZP – Frank
Minutes of the Required GERATOL Meeting , 10 February 2019. The Chairman, W0FP, called the meeting to order at 00:56Z
Present were: W0FP, KJ8V, KJ8W, N1KL, KE9TC, AI4IL, WX4H and AA0ZP. A quorum was present.
KJ8V presented a motion to lower the cost of several GERATOL awards. The reason being that the cost in may cases was over twice what it cost to print them. He went through a list of those that were more than twice what it cost him to print on his personal printer.
Following a request for discussion, there was none. The motion was put to a vote and passed with one Nay. There being no further business, a motion was made to adjourn. Passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Frank Taylor – AA0ZP, Secretary GERATOL Net


Board Meeting Minutes from session held on: 1/8/18

The Chairman opened the Board Meeting at 0100UTC on January 8th 2018.
There were four nominations from the incumbent club officers: Chairman – W0FP, Vice-Chairman – KE9TC, Secretary – AA0ZP, and Treasurer – KJ8W. An additional nomination was received for the Vice-Chairman position, but the individual declined to run. Following three calls for nominations from the floor, KJ8V moved to close nominations and declare those nominated be approved by acclamation. KJ8W seconded the motion.
The motion was unanimously approved. Following a request by the Chairman for any further business and there being none, KJ8W moved that the meeting be adjourned. Following approval by the board, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 0104UTC on 8 January 2018.
Respectfully Submitted, Frank Taylor – AA0ZP, Secretary – GERATOL Net

Board Meeting Minutes from session held on: 10/31/2018

1. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 0050Z on 31 Oct 2018. Present at the meeting were: W0FP, AI4IL, AA0ZP, KE9TC, KJ8V, KJ8W, and N1KL. A quorum was in attendance.

2. The purpose of the meeting was to consider two possible new items. The first was a motion to approve a new award “5 STAR AWARD” for working 2500 Geratol numbers. The second was to approve putting a link to a Geratol T-Shirt/Sweat Shirt site on the Geratol web site.

3. Following some discussion of the items, KJ8V moved to approve the new award. The motion was seconded and approved by a unanimous vote. The award has an effective date of 0100, 31 Oct 2018.

4. KJ8V then made a motion to accept placing a link to the T-Shirt/Sweat Shirt site on the Geratol web site. This motion was seconded and also approved by a unanimous vote.

5. KE9TC then moved to adjourn the meeting.

6. The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 0057UTC, 31 October 2018.

Respectfully Submitted


Secretary, GERATOL NET


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