In conjunction with the 2021/2022 GERATOL Net season, we are pleased to announce the launch of a new certificate, to help celebrate our 50th Anniversary. Truly a major milestone for the GERATOL Worked All States Net. This certificate will be available beyond the 2021/2022 season, for anyone who wishes to complete the requirements for this special anniversary certificate.
The following requirements need to be met, in order to qualify for this certificate:
Fifty (50) contacts must be made on the GERATOL Net itself, during an official net session.
One of those 50 contacts must be made with the GERATOL Net Club Station W0NL GERATOL #1M, Frank – AA0ZP Trustee of the GERATOL Club Call. Both Frosty – W0FP and Dave – KJ8V may be contacted to work W0NL, should the trustee, Frank – AA0ZP not be around. They will email the QSO details to Frank, for him to officially log the contact.
The 50 Stations worked, must have a GERATOL number. However, you don’t need one to complete the certificate.
If you work a station with multiple GERATOL #’s, you must make separate contacts for each G # worked.
Club stations with G #’s are also good for this requirement.
All call sign formats, as always, are eligible and encouraged to participate.
Logs must be submitted to Dave – KJ8V and contain the standard log information, including:
Call Sign of station worked, Date/Time, Signal Reports and Frequency to 4 digits & GERATOL # of the station worked.
Entry logs may be submitted via email to:
Be sure to include your name as you wish to have it appear on the CERTIFICATE itself.
Also, be sure to include a valid phone number, and email address, should any questions need to be answered by our awards manager.
If you have no email account, paper logs may be sent to: Dave – KJ8V 13063 Hopkins Forest Rd., Bear Lake, MI, 49614. Paper logs will be forwarded to Dave while he is in FL, and he will be issuing certificates sent via email or mail, from either his home QTH or while he is in Florida
In addition, while Dave is in Florida, he will update his snail mail address, by posting his FL address on the GERATOL website to speed up processing the certificate applications.
If using a paper log, please utilize the log format available on our website which can be found under the FILES tab of the tool bar, and then go to ADDITIONAL AIDS AND FORMS FOR THE GERATOL NET, or simply click on the two images below, for pages 1 and 2 of the log forms, and print them out.
This is a PDF file type log form. You can click on the link below the image, to download the form, and then print it out.
This is an Excel Spreadsheet log form, you can click on the DOWNLOAD button below, with the link and print this out if you prefer an Excel file
This is another Excel Spreadsheet log form, from our Chairman, Frosty, W0FP. You can click on the link below, and print this out. Hopefully, one of these files will meet your needs to assist with tracking and submitting the contacts for your certificate…