New! GERATOL Net Quick Start. Thanks to Ron, WR8O, there is a short, concise, 10 Step guide for those who are new to the net. You can read it here. Geratol Quickstart
Geratol Net Information Packet This is the PDF file with the net information.
Some files to make things easier to keep track of on the GERATOL Net:
Excel spreadsheet for tracking states toward your BASIC Award, and Endorsements:
Basic Award, State Tracker in Excel:
Website and Award Tracking
GNUMBER1 file to be used with GLIST 1.09
GNUMBER 2 file to be used with GLIST 1.10
You must download GLIST v1.10 prior to loading the latest Gnumber 2 file
If you are already using the Gnumber1.dat file from 2014, this new Gnumber1.dat from must be copied into the GLIST folder, overwriting the original .dat file You will need to unzip the downloaded file to find the new .DAT file.
New! A Veteran’s Salute Checker program by Frosty. Latest version 103-03 updated Nov. 1 2016.
Link for the 50/50 Award Application form by Kevin below:
GERATOL 50th Anniversary Certificate Application Log Form from Frosty
Here is another Application Log Form for the 50th from Kevin, which has a little more information to assist Dave in issuing the Certificate. Feel free to use either file
Below is an Excel file, which you can update, and add in your QSO information to directly
Below is a editable PDF file of the same log form, which may also download, and update using your QSO information. NOTE !!! When you save this file, you need to add your call sign to the file name, in order to insure the file is saved correctly.