75 Meter Extra Class WAS Net


FYI, Hunter, W3CZ will be on once again this evening from the state of Delaware. In addition to having his own call, which is good for the basic (W3CZ) Hunter is located in DOVER, DE. So, he is also good for the Delaware cap, for those who are working on Endorsement #18 for working state capitals.

In addition, Hunter will be activating his club call, KC3ARC. So for those working on the CALL AREA CHALLENGE certificate, this will be a good one to work this evening.

Our thanks to Hunter for taking the time from his studies, to assist many of the GERATOL gang, on filling some long awaited QSO’s with the great state of Delaware.

73, Kevin N1KL

posted by Kevin in GERATOL NET NEWS and have Comments (2)

2 Responses to “DELAWARE ON TONIGHT !”

  1. w3bj says:

    Where do I find my geritol number. Lost it