75 Meter Extra Class WAS Net



We would like to extend a GET WELL SOON greeting to Bob, W9JOP who recently underwent a medical procedure to stop a serious bleeding problem earlier this month.

Bob has been a true GERATOL Net supporter, and he’s put his state in the log for MANY of us working toward our basic awards.

Above is a picture of Bob with one of his RC Planes. We featured Bob on one of our FEATURED MEMBER posts several years ago, and we truly hope he has a speedy recovery, and is able to join us on the net once again this Fall.

Bob would love to hear from his fellow GERATOLers, so feel free to fire off a QSL or note to him at the rehab center, where he is still recovering:

Bob Chapman – W9JOP
Warrenton Fauquier Rebabilitation and Nursing Center
360 Hospital Drive Warrenton, VA 20186
Room 409

Or to his home address, at:


Robert H Chapman
13047 Elk Run Rd
Bealeton, VA 22712-732


We are sorry to report that Cliff Ahrens, KØCA G# 624 became a SK on 5/22/2024 as reported by KØDEQ in the County Hunters Forum which you can see at this link:

Thanks to Barry, K2MF for providing us the update on Cliff.


It’s been a while since we posted a “I’m Just Sayin’ topic. I believe the last one was regarding QCWA membership, and how many folks never renew their membership. That post had quite a few comments, some posted on the website, some sent to me directly.

Well, this time I would like to address the use of DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS, especially the use of FT8.

There seems to be two major camps on this one: Camp # 1 “I hate it” Camp # 2 “It’s progress”

It’s clear listening on the airwaves, those in either camp are quite vocal, and quite set in their opinion on the benefits vs detriment to the hobby of Ham Radio.

Those who look down upon it, seem to largely be from the same camp as those who opposed NO CODE licensing. Remember that debate ? As an avid CW op myself, who toiled for years and years to garner DXCC, WAS, WAC, etc. using only CW, I can understand how they would view the click ’em, work ’em approach with FT8, as the “machine” or the “software” doing all the work. However, as a career engineer who was always looking to push the envelope in the storage space, I can see the relevance of FT8. Like all major developments in our hobby in the past, from SSB to Packet, etc. there is a period of acceptance that needs to take place, before it becomes totally trusted by our community.

For those who oppose FT8, I took an excerpt from a gent whose QRZ page had the following listed, right out in the open, and unabashed about his disdain for FT8, clickology.

I am the founder and only known member of the DDD…the “Don’t Do Digital” movement.

Digital communications from computer to computer is not Amateur Radio. I operate CW the real way…using my head to Decode and my hand to Encode the information. I prefer to leave the Amateur in Amateur Radio. When I want to exchange digital data with someone (transfer information using processors to encode and decode the data) like when using RTTY, FT8, or computerized CW, I use a cell phone.

With my Station, (the Phone), I can “WORK” any country I want to at any time without a license, computer, radio, or antenna. It’s a win win!!!!

Kind of funny stuff, but he also has other information that explains his view on the matter. I will keep his call anonymous however.

For those relics, like myself, who have been around a long time on the bands, I am sure you all recall the days of most ops referring to SSB as “Donald Duck” communications !! The AM’ers on the bands were disgusted with the new mode. Of course, most AMers had rigs at the time, that were not very selective, and the BFO used for tuning in CW was not always the best for receiving SSB.

Of course, the manufacturers of Ham Radio gear, loved it, because it meant a whole new class of rigs, to take advantage of SSB. Same thing is happening with digital communications now. The CEO of Flex Radio (Gerald K5SDR) states in an article, the following:

Does the FT8 mode included in WSJT-X software constitute a tipping point in ham radio for good or for harm?  There are many ham radio opinion blogs on the Internet that strongly or sometimes sarcastically take one or the other stance.  There is even an Internet poll asking, “Is FT8 damaging amateur radio?” At this moment it is 52% yes, 45% no and 3% undecided.  All of the articles and videos I have seen agree on one undeniable fact – FT8 has since its introduction in June of 2017 achieved “killer app” or tipping point status.  Some think it will kill amateur radio and others believe that such innovations give the hobby new life.

Only time will tell if this new mode will “kill” amateur radio. In my opinion, volunteer examining would have done more harm over time, than a new mode of operation. Clearly, the elegance of this new digital software, cannot be overlooked. It is simply genius, to have developed a communications mode, which is capable of operating on what appear to be “dead” bands, and with minimal power as well.

Check out the graph below, which shows the use of FT8 from those who utilize Club Log, vs the other modes of operation. Seems like it’s pretty much here to stay !!

So, here is your chance to weigh in. Simply REPLY to this POST with your comments, opinion and input. It will be interesting to see how our fellow GERATOLers view this latest mode of operation in our hobby.

73, Kevin N1KL

posted by Kevin in GERATOL NET NEWS and have Comment (1)

One Response to “GERATOL NET NEWS”

  1. Kevin says:

    Get well Bob, and we hope to hear you on the net again this Fall with that big signal from VA !! 73, Kevin N1KL