Thanks to WL7PM, Dean from Homer, AK for taking the time to try and work those in need of an AK contact. We had a good showing last night, with the following Ops giving it a college try:
Chuck, N5WGA
Steve, KA4CZL
Frank, W3NU
Tom, N1TL
John, NM2R
and last but not least, Louis – N9LY who provided critical relays when neither Dean nor myself could hear some of the questions from Ops on the east coast. Louis also worked Dean, with a valid QSO.
CONGRATS to Chuck, N5WGA who made a successful QSO with Dean, and Chuck is now down to the FINAL state he needs to complete his basic, the ever elusive HI !!
For those who were unable to work Dean, or who missed the sked, we have another shot, this time with TWO AK stations, both Dean from Homer and Eric from Fairbanks will be on the net frequency at 0500Z Sunday evening. Good hunting to those in need of AK, and let’s hope for better condx. Sunday evening. Finger crossed for some good luck !!
We would like to welcome aboard, the following operators, who recently registered on our GERATOL Website:
AK1NH – Conrad
Conrad was first licensed in 1978, as a Novice. So like many of us, he has WAL! Worked All Licenses !
He is also a member of the QCWA, so for those who need a “Q” number from NH, Conrad is your man.
KB5ILY – Travis
Travis hails from the great state of Arkansas, and was first licensed in 1989, and again like so many of us, started his Ham journey as a Novice and worked all the way up to Extra. He too is a member of the QCWA, so again for those in need of a “Q” number from AR, Travis fits the bill. Also, he’s a great catch for working a 2×3 call sign from “5th” call area, for the Call Area Challenge certificate.
Welcome aboard guys, and thanks once again for taking the time to register on our GERATOL website, and we hope to work you on the net soon.
Silent Keys
With sadness, we would like to notify the GERATOL Net on the passing of Frank, AA9JJ this past November, who held GERATOL number 1712. Frank was an avid county hunter, along with his wife, Marilyn, N9QPQ who often worked the County Hunter Net together via their mobile installation.
Frank was an Air Force Vet, and had a long career as an Air Traffic Controller. Our condolences to his wife Marilyn and their entire family.
73 from your Website Administrator. Kevin – N1KL
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