75 Meter Extra Class WAS Net

N1KL/Remote + Alaska Sked

N1KL Remote QSO’s and QSL cards

Hi all, I wanted to send off a note to anyone who may not have received a QSL card from any of my Remote Station operations last Jan/Feb/Mar. I believe I sent out all appropriate cards, but if you did not receive one, let me know and I will make sure to get you a card.


For those who need AK to complete their basic, please send me a note via and let me know you need it, and I will add you to a list. I am working with a station in Fairbanks, AK to arrange a sked later this season when condx begin to improve. Make sure you include the email you wish me to use, so I can notify you when we plan to arrange the sked. It will be a few months before conditions are good enough, but I wanted to alert folks who may need it, so we can plan accordingly, and start up a list.

73, Kevin N1KL

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