Our net history, which may be found on the website as chronicled by Ed Corey, K7OC #1875 reflects the roots of the GERATOL Net. It is of course, primarily a Worked All States net. Check out Ed’s Historical Summary under the HOME button on the tool bar.
As we know, thousands of proud GERATOLers have successfully completed their WAS by working and confirming QSO’s with all 50 states in the Extra Class portion of the 80 Meter band. I wonder how many of us are aware of the history behind those 50 states we worked or are attempting to work. Over the next several months, we will share some interesting facts about our 50 states.

Above is a typical blank map, depicting the 50 states, and used by many operators over the years, as they colored in the states they worked, then confirmed. It is a quick way to determine which states are worked, confirmed or still needed.
Regarding the fifty states, the first state to ratify , and then be admitted to the union was Delaware in 1787 and of course, the last being Hawaii in 1959. A span of 172 years. Hard to believe, especially for the younger folks who don’t recall the addition of HI and AK, who were both admitted in 1959. There are four states that are officially listed as a “Commonwealth” vs a State. Those are: Kentucky, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts.
Of course prior to our constitution, we had the original 13 colonies.Seeking independence from England and the British Crown, thirteen American colonies declared themselves sovereign and independent states. Their official flag is shown below. The original 13 consisted of: VA, MA, NH, MD, CT, DE, N.C., S.C., N.J., N.Y., PA, GA and R.I.

We will launch the information regarding our 50 States in the not too distant future. We hope you will enjoy the information, and don’t be bashful about submitting information, corrections, etc. by posting a “comment” to the upcoming POSTS.