W0FP called a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the GERATOL Net to order at 1900 CST on 3 January 2014 for the purpose of electing Officers for the new year. Present for the meeting were: Chairman-W0FP, Vice-Chairman-VE3SIQ, Secretary-AA0ZP, Awards Secretary-KJ8V, Treasurer-KJ8W, Publicity Officer-N1KL, NCS Coordinator-N8OR, and QSL Bureau Manager-WX4H. Absent were:AI4IL and K7OC.
W0FP read the list of nominees for elected offices: Chairman-W0FP, Vice-Chair-VE3SIQ, Secretary-AA0ZP, and Treasurer-KJ8W. He then asked if there were and further nominations: there was one for Vice-Chair-WV9O.
A motion was made to close the nominations. The motion was seconded and by vote was unanimously approved.
By unanimous vote all of the nominated individuals were approved with the exception of the office of Vice-Chairman. A run-off vote between the two individuals will be held and decided by submitting member votes to AA0ZP by the end of January 2014. Votes must include the candidate being voted for, the voting members call-sign and GERATOL number and be submitted by midnight (Eastern Standard Time) on 31 January 2014. The vote may be via eMail, US Mail in the form of a postcard or QSL, or via a written/typed personal note. The votes will be tallied and the count announced by the Chairman on the Geratol Net the evening of calendar date 31 January 2014.
A motion to adjourn was made by AA0ZP and seconded by N1KL. The board unanimously approved the motion. The Chairman closed the meeting at 1904 CST.
Respectfully submitted, Frank Taylor, AA0ZP-GERATOL Net Secretary
Frank’s email is aa0zp@juno.com