Below are the minutes from the GERATOL Board meeting held on 10/29/17 as submitted by AA0ZP; Frank; Secretary of the GERATOL Net.
The GERATOL Board of Directors Meeting was called to order by the Chairman on 30 Oct at 0100 UTC.
Present were W0FP, AA0ZP, KJ8V, KJ8W, N1KL, N0HD, and AI4IL. Absent was WX4H.
Responsibility for maintenance of the Web Page has been transferred to N1KL (from AE2T). A motion was made to issue a check in the amount of $63 to cover the cost of the Web Page. Following some discussion, a vote was called:
The motion was passed unanimously.
Another motion was made and seconded to eliminate the statement that the contact was made on GERATOL Net with EQSL’s and that the frequency to four digits needed to be placed the Comments field of the EQSL in the preamble of the net.
This motion also passed unanimously.
A third motion was made to allow LoTW use for GERATOL endorsements, but not for the basic.
This motion passed unanimously.
The chairman adjourned the meeting at 0113UTC>
Respectfully Submitted, Frank Taylor – AA0ZP, GERATOL Secretary