75 Meter Extra Class WAS Net

2018-19 NCS Schedule

Hi Everyone,
Here is the schedule for NCS’s for the season.
Sunday W0FP
Monday KE9TC
Tuesday AA4HF
Wednesday WG5N
Thursday AC1DR
Friday KJ8V
Saturday N0HD

AI4IL will pick up Wednesday nights starting 1 Nov.

If anyone is interested in being a NCS please let me know. We could use volunteers to cover nights when the regular guys are unable to cover. Please give it due consideration.
Bruce NØHD
Net Control Coordinator

posted by N0HD in Uncategorized and have Comments (2)

2 Responses to “2018-19 NCS Schedule”

  1. Dave KJ8V says:

    Bruce, Great job and thanks to all that volunteered ti be an NCS. Hopefully this season will be good with better propagation. Will see everyone tomorrow night.

  2. Kevin says:

    Thanks to each and every one of our regular and stand-by NCS stations. Also, special thanks to Bruce, N0HD for his efforts pulling the NCS schedule together each season. We would NOT have a net without all their efforts !!! Thanks guys. N1KL Kevin