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Happy to report that there were no Geratoler Silent Keys reported in the November QST. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to ALL GERATOLERS. Dave KJ8V

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Our hearts go out to Don N9RY

Back in October Don and his wife Delores both came down with Covid 19. Both were treated and were doing good. However, Don’s wife Delores became ill again and was rushed to the hospital. After a short stay Delores passed away. This a real tragedy for Don and his family. I am sure that Don would appreciate a card from you to let him know we are all thinking of him during this difficult time. God Bless you Don and your family in this trying time. The Geratol Net Family.

posted by Dave 66511 in GERATOL NET NEWS and have Comments (4)

Congratulations Dale WG5N

Congratulations Dale on completing the Net 500 Award. A job well done and a very neat log entry.

Dave KJ8V Awards Manager

posted by Dave 66511 in GERATOL NET NEWS and have Comments (3)

Congratulations Carl W9OO

Congratulations Carl on completing the Net 50/50 Award #10. Thanks for the neat log submission. It makes it a lot easier on an old guy like me. Again Congrats.

Very Best 73

Dave KJ8V Awards Manager

posted by Dave 66511 in GERATOL NET NEWS and have Comments (2)


Well winter has set in here in Northern Michigan and I have time to get back to work on awards information. Some years ago, all of the Geratol Net records for awards issued were thrown out by a disgruntled Awards Manager and I have been working on putting them back together for several years now as time permits. I have all the Geratol and Directors numbers put back together from old records I and some others had. Now I need to get the dates issued for both Geratol and Directors awards. I have worked on this and have resurrected a lot of dates with much help from those award holders. But I am starting this task again on yet more dates.

It may not seem important to some, however, there are members that for many reasons have lost their certificates and they ask for replacement certificates. There is a date issued on certificates and if have those dates it makes the task easier. With that being said I need dates of issue for Geratol and Director awards issued from Geratol Number 1676 through 1900 this time around. Any and all information you can provide will be extremely helpful. Thanks in advance for any and all help in this matter. Please email numbers and dates issued to

Dave KJ8V Awards Manager

posted by Dave 66511 in GERATOL NET NEWS and have Comment (1)