75 Meter Extra Class WAS Net

Congratulations Carl W9OO

Congratulations Carl on completing the Net 50/50 Award #10. Thanks for the neat log submission. It makes it a lot easier on an old guy like me. Again Congrats.

Very Best 73

Dave KJ8V Awards Manager

posted by Kevin in GERATOL NET NEWS and have Comments (2)

2 Responses to “Congratulations Carl W9OO”

  1. Kevin says:

    Hi Carl, completing that 50/50 Award ain’t an easy task, is it ? Ha ha As the guy who dreamt it up, and designed the Award, I know first hand how tough, but fun it is to chase. I’ve got my 50 year ops total, but still looking for two more states to wrap up that end of the 50….well done, and congrats on #10 !!! Kevin N1KL

  2. wg5n says:

    Carl, Congratulations! Job well done. I know how difficult it is for this one. Dale WG5N