75 Meter Extra Class WAS Net


It’s been announced that the recent Board meeting was held and some changes have been made to the Net Officers.

Jess Colvin AI9L and Patti Colvin AF9H have given up their duties due to health. They’ve returned to Illinois from Arizona and Jess is getting all the outstanding awards out in the mail. Please do not send any more requests to him.

I’ve met Jess and Patti several times at Dayton in years past, and they’re great people, fun to be with. I hope Patti recovers and returns to being well very soon. I understand they will be going back to Arizona in July, this time permanently. I’ll have to listen a little harder to hear them on the net, but I hope to hear them many more times!

The job of Awards Manager and Treasurer has been transferred to another couple that I’ve had the pleasure of meeting at Dayton many times as well, Dave Ertel KJ8V and Sandy Ertel KJ8W. A better, more capable choice I can’t imagine. Thanks to Dave and Sandy for taking on these important jobs. All the contact information has been updated on the web site, so and future requests for certificates or endorsements should go to Dave.

Thanks Jess and Patti for all you’ve done to support the net.

posted by Al Gritzmacher in From the webmaster and have Comments Off on Changes…

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