We would like to extend our congratulations to Marty – AC8JU from Michigan, who successfully completed the requirements for his Director’s Award, and recently received Director’s Award # 791…..
Marty has been sharing that new number on the net already, but for those who have not worked him yet, join us some evening, and pass along your congrats to Marty live on the air.
Well done Marty, during some rough band conditions on 80, you persevered and achieved the GERATOL Director’s Award. For those not familiar with it, The GERATOL Net Director’s Award is issued to net members, who have already earned their Unbelievable Operating Acheivement (WAS) Award, and have worked 100 other Geratol WAS Award holders and exchanged their numbers. All contacts must have been made after 0500 Feb 13, 1990. Endorsement stickers are available for increments for 200, 300, and 400 contacts after the certificate has been earned. Any call sign format qualifies, in the U.S. or Canada.
If there are any GERATOL Website members who recently completed other Awards, such as DXCC, WAZ, etc. please let me know, and we will post the achievement on our GERATOL Website, for your fellow GERATOLers to see.
73, Kevin N1KL Website Administrator