75 Meter Extra Class WAS Net

Congratulations Dave KJ8V, Frosty W0FP & Joe WW8X

Congratulations to Dave KJ8V for finishing Endorsement #4 Initial Calls & the 50/50 Award. Congratulations to Frosty on finishing the 50/50 Award and Joe WW8X for finishing the 50/50 Award. Also congratulations to all that finished their basic award after working Hawaii & Alaska. All certificates will be mailed tomorrow 4/10/18.  Sandy KJ8W

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One Response to “Congratulations Dave KJ8V, Frosty W0FP & Joe WW8X”

  1. Kevin says:

    Fantastic !! Congrats to the guys who were working on their basic award, capturing HI and AK, and thanks to George WG8AR for helping to bring those states up on the net !! Well done all around guys !!