Following December nominations for Chairman, Vice Chair, Secretary & Treasurer, the GERATOL Net held a Board Meeting on 1/7/18
As a result of that meeting, the following people have been elected as our net officers:
Chairman of the Board: W0FP – Frosty
Vice Chairman of the Board: KE9TC – Kenny
Secretary: AA0ZP – Frank
Treasurer: KJ8W – Sandy
Congratulations to all those elected for these two year terms, and feel free to send them a note, or wish them congrats on the air when you check into the net.
Regards, Kevin N1KL
Congrats to Frosty, Frank and Sandy on their re-election to the Board, and a special congratulations to Kenny, KE9TC on his election to the Vice Chairman position !!! Good luck folks, and thanks for your service to the GERATOL Net !!