75 Meter Extra Class WAS Net


GERATOL Net has resumed operation

As always, the net is once again active, beginning on Oct 1st on 3.668 Mhz starting at 0100Z. The net remains in the midst of it’s 50th anniversary season, which started the second half of last season, and ends the first half of this 2022 season. If you have not done so, take a look at the special 50th Anniversary Certificate which you can work toward. No GERATOL number is required to qualify for this colorful certificate. See the website for more details.

It’s time to put those improved antennas and new rigs, or even the old ones, to good use and renew old acquaintances and make some new ones, by checking into the net. Come join us !!

GERATOLer SK Report per November QST

Per W0FP, Frosty, there were no reported SK’s from our fellow GERATOLer population for the month of November. Let us always keep those GERATOLers whom we lost over the years in our thoughts, and thank them for their contributions to the net.

NCS Needed for Monday Evening Net

As we all know, one of the main reasons the GERATOL Net remains in operation, is due to our dedicated and patient Net Control stations. Without them, there would be NO GERATOL Net. We thank them, one and all for their efforts.

Currently, we are in need of a Net Controller for the Monday evening shift. Being NCS can be rewarding, as you facilitate the checking in and list generation for those working toward, not only their GERATOL Number, but for other awards and endorsements as well.

The website has a copy of the preamble, and there are ALWAYS experienced NCS’s or long time GERATOLers on frequency to lend a hand, if needed and provide relays.

If interested, please contact our Chairman, Frosty, W0FP via email, at


We would like to welcome Patrick, WX7M aboard the GERATOL Website. Thanks for taking the time to register Patrick. He has GERATOL #1505 and checked into the net for many years, putting NV into the logs of our folks looking for the basic. Welcome.

That’s it for now from the site Administrator. 73, Kevin N1KL

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