We would like to welcome the following new subscribers to our GERATOL Website:
KA8D – Doug from KY
KV8U – Todd from MI
KI4KI – Malcolm from AL
W2BRN – Bryan from TN
Thank you for taking the time to register on the GERATOL Website, and we hope you will check into the net again soon, and say hi to all on the net. Should any of you have any questions about the website and/or the net, don’t hesitate to send me an email with your question to: n1kl@arrl.net
No doubt, conditions continue to be a challenge for those folks working toward their basic award. All the more reason, we need to get some new check-ins to the net, and assist those folks who remain determined to get their GERATOL Numbers. For those of us who earned our GERATOL WAS Award, we can all recall, and truly appreciate the stations, especially those who were regulars, and/or folks with GERATOL numbers, who took the time to check into the net, and whom we worked to complete our own awards. They were determined to help those, who like themselves, worked so hard to obtain the necessary QSO’s to complete the Unbelievable Operating Achievement Award.
So for those who have not checked into the net in a while, stop by some evening to say hi, and put your respective state in the log books of the several determined folks working on their basic award. Let’s lend a hand shall we ?
Time once again to thank our determined Net Control Stations, who deal with QRM/QRN, yet continue to keep the GERATOL Net a viable net, and keep things moving forward, especially for those chasing their basic awards !! WELL DONE GUYS and THANK YOU !!
73, Kevin N1KL Website Administrator