Merry Christmas !
First and foremost, may we wish all GERATOLers a very Merry Christmas, and hope that all may engage in some measure of Christmas spirit with family and friends, in this challenging year of 2020.
From our Chairman, Frosty – W0FP: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Stay Safe, Wear a Mask and stay 6 feet away from Others
From our Secretary, Frank – AA0ZP: To all GERATOLers, Wishing all of you a big batch of Propagation and a bag full of new contacts. AA0ZP – Secretary Frank Taylor
From our Treasurer and Awards Manager, Sandy – KJ8W & Dave – KJ8V:
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from Sandy and Dave !
A Ham Radio Christmas Poem:
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the shack
The rig was turned off and the mic cord lay slack
The antenna rotor had made its last turn, the tubes in the linear
had long ceased to burn.
I sat there relaxing and took off my specs, preparing to daydream of
Armchair DX– When suddenly outside I heard such a sound, I dashed
out the door and looked all around.
The moon shone down brightly and lighted the night. For sure
propagation for the low bands was right.
I peered toward the roof where I heard all the racket and there was
some guy in a red, fur-trimmed jacket!
I stood there perplexed in a manner quite giddy: Just who WAS this
stranger? di di dah dah di dit ditty ?
He looked very much like an FCC guy who’d come to check up on some
bad TVI.
I shouted to him: “Old man…QR-Zed?”
“Hey you by the chimney all dressed up in red!”
I suddenly knew when I heard sleigh bells jingle
The guy on the rooftop was Jolly Kris Kringle
He had a big sack full of amateur gear; which was a BID load
for his prancing reindeer.
Transmitters, receivers, for cabinets and racks
Some meters and scopes and a lot of coax.
He said not a word ’cause he’d finished his work.
He picked up his sack and he turned with a jerk.
As he leaped to his sleigh, he shouted with glee
And I knew in a moment he’d be QRT.
I heard him transmit as he flew o’er the tree
“Merry Christmas to all, and to all seventy-three.”
“Ho Ho Ho” Reporting for Amateur Radio Newsline, I’m Jim Damron, N8TMW.
Author: Unknown; Source; Amateur Radio Newsline
From the Website Administrator and Webmaster:
On behalf of Al, AE2T and myself, N1KL, we wish everyone a Merry Christmas and thank you to all who have registered on the GERATOL Website this past year. Welcome aboard, and to those who have been loyal members, thank you very much !! Kevin, N1KL
Thanks. A great job as usual. A Very Merry Christmas to you and Pat.
Dave KJ8V.