The following (I’m Just Sayin’) is an editorial by your GERATOL Website Administrator and does not necessarily reflect the views of the GERATOL Board.
As a long time, “active” member of the Quarter Century Wireless Association, I feel obligated to make an appeal to my fellow GERATOL members. When I refer to myself as an active QCWA member, I am simply referring to the fact my QCWA membership is active. That is to say, my dues are up to date.

Most seasoned GERATOLers, are very familiar with the QCWA, and are proud to swap and share their “Q” numbers with other net members, both new and old, as GERATOLers work toward Endorsement # 19, where you must work stations sporting a “Q” from all 50 states. Completing Endorsement # 19 does not require you have a “Q” but simply need to work stations from all 50 states, that have one. No doubt a fun and challenging endorsement to achieve during those long winter nights.
As the creator of several awards including the 20/20 and 50/50 awards, I know first hand the “criteria” I was held accountable to follow in creating those awards and it was quite demanding. For example, before I was given permission to announce the 50/50 Award, I had to provide data to support the fact there was a sufficient number of stations, licensed for 50+ years. Another criteria that was added after the initial approval and announcement, was to have been licensed “continually” with no breaks, for the 50 years. Pretty demanding stuff, but lo and behold, the award has been achieved by several diligent GERATOLers.
However, it seems when it comes to Endorsement # 19, the criteria is not on the same level as some of our other awards or endorsements. When it comes to QCWA numbers, we gladly swap numbers proudly. Yet many operators doing so, have not been “active” (dues paying) members of the QCWA for years. In fact, some have never renewed since a year after they got their “Q” number assigned. A check of the QCWA website, where they display “lost” members, will list those who are no longer “active” members.
I am in no way affiliated with, nor have I ever been affiliated with the QCWA in any official capacity, other than being a member. The QCWA, like many Ham related organizations and publications, is working hard to remain viable. They no longer publish the hard copy of the QCWA Journal, due to the cost of publishing and distributing. To their credit, they have an on line version on their website, which you can find at:
So, while we may not be able to change or modify the criteria for Endorsement # 19 to reflect working “active” QCWA members, I’d like to encourage those “lost” members to consider adding your QCWA membership to your allotted Ham spending, or to encourage those eligible, (first licensed 25 years ago) to apply for QCWA membership. It would be terrible to lose such a historically active (Founded in 1947) and important element of our Ham Radio hobby, and potentially robbing those approaching their 25th anniversary of garnering their own “Q” number. A look at the last few months of data on the QCWA website, reflects the totals shown for NEW members, vs LOST members, and it’s a disturbing trend. The number of LOST members, vs NEW is at least two to one. Needless to say, that can’t go on forever. So, JUST SAYIN’, if you can afford it, check out the QCWA website, and renew your membership, or join up if not yet a member !!!
For those who registered on the GERATOL website, using their call signs as part of their registration, feel free to add a “comment” to this JUST SAYIN’ editorial.
All the best, and let’s not forget, the new 2019/2020 GERATOL season is not far off !!!! Time to get that antenna work done, and get on the air to renew old acquaintances, and maybe even make some new ones !!!
Regards, Kevin N1KL
I am approaching 60-years licensed. My budget doesn’t allow me to renew/join all the many “deserving” organizations that I once joined or that I’ve become eligible for membership.
I currently limit my paid membership to ARRL and TCDXA.
73, de Hans, KØHB
I agree 100%, Kevin.
Harv, AA4HF
I also agree Kevin. If your giving out a QCWA number it should be an “Active”number. It’s stating I have a Q # not I had a Q #. Steve – N9SC
Thanks Harv and Steve for your comments. It would be a shame to see the QCWA go the way of World Radio, 73 Magazine and other lost Ham Radio publications and/or organizations.
Kevin N1KL