75 Meter Extra Class WAS Net

Logins, Comments and the like

Kevin and I have been working on this web site and we have noticed a few people have gone ahead and created accounts. It’s great to see the interest.

I have approved all the registrations that were not obvious spam. One problem for any site like this is, there are all kinds of people and bots that want to exploit it for advertising or worse reasons. To prevent nasty posts, we have set things up so that every new user that registers needs to be activated manually by an administrator. If you register and it looks like nothing happened, that’s why.

To help us out so that we can tell the real people from the spammers, to be approved we need to see a callsign in either the user name or the email address. For most of us, that is not a problem, we can do one or the other.

Comments will be allowed on posts, such as this, that appear under NEWS on the right, but comments will not be allowed on pages, such as the rules for an award, or other static information.

We hope that some discussion will be relevant to the topics posted and increase interest in the web site. Please help keep them on topic and civil so they can continue.

The settings and inner workings of the site are complicated and might not work out perfectly at first. If there is a glitch, please bear with us.


posted by Al Gritzmacher in From the webmaster and have Comments (6)

6 Responses to “Logins, Comments and the like”

  1. AE2T says:

    Go ahead. Try it out. Leave a comment on this post.

  2. Kevin says:

    This is great news Al, thanks for all the recent modifications to the site….. Guys, let’s start getting some interesting GERATOL fun facts, questions, comments, etc. from the GERATOL gang !!!

  3. we0a says:

    I’m game. Where do you want NEW posts. I’ve got a couple of topics:
    – Later meetup for some west coast station QSOs,
    – ARRL Logbook of The World (LoTW) in addition to cards & eQSL

    • n5mj says:

      Not quite up to Nytol hours any more, but I’d be happy to plow a later (post 0200z) field for the west. Once in a while, I can even be heard on the east coast. 73, Mike N5MJ

  4. we0a says:

    Yes, it appears that finding “normal” hour net control is a bit of a challenge. I wonder if we could do an “unofficial” meetup at a different time. Perhaps only during certain days. As an example only: 5am (UTC) on Saturdays.

    As a reminder: Geratol contacts DO NOT have to happen during a net. No one needs to give you a “good contact” confirmation for a QSO to count. A QSL card does that.

  5. we0a says:

    Yes, it appears that finding “normal” hour net control is a bit of a challenge. I wonder if we could do an “unofficial” meetup at a different time. Perhaps only during certain days. As an example only: 5am (UTC) on Saturdays.

    As a reminder: Geratol contacts DO NOT have to happen during a net. No one needs to give you a “good contact” confirmation for a QSO to count. A QSL card does that.