As Christmas approaches, many amateur radio clubs carry out an annual tradition of helping kids talk directly to Santa Claus while he is still at the North Pole before his big ride.
On Saturday, December 10, 2022, the Wallingford Amateur Radio Group in Connecticut connected kids to Santa and Mrs. Claus via amateur radio during their Calling Santa event. The group organized the event in cooperation with the Wallingford Health Department, Youth & Social Services, and support from an Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) grant to the Meriden Amateur Radio Club (MARC).
MARC President Dr. Ed Snyder, W1YSM, said this will be the third year for Calling Santa. “The location is ideal for this event,” said Dr. Snyder. “Our communications van is there, and the kids went inside and talked to Santa and Mrs. Claus on a real amateur radio. There was also a fire truck, coloring books, crayons, and allergy-safe snacks.” Each child received a full-color certificate signed by the Clauses.
Already in operation for the 16th consecutive year, The 3916 Nets are hosting the Santa Net on 3.916 MHz. Kids can talk to Santa Claus nightly via amateur radio at 7:00 PM CST now through Christmas Eve, December 24, 2022. The shortwave net welcomes radio amateurs to help their children and grandchildren get on the air to talk to Santa (third-party rules and regulations apply).
The Big Bend Amateur Radio Club, covering the Big Bend area of west Texas and based in Alpine, will have their 15th annual Santa Net ready to go on December 14, 2022. Local 2-meter repeaters are used to make the connection to Santa. The club highlights that “Santa Net introduces kids to ham radio.” The event is promoted through the local elementary school and its teachers. Participants get a candy cane and a card commemorating the radio contact with Santa.
The ARRL Special Event Stations database is updated regularly and includes other Christmas and holiday-themed on-the-air events. You can search the database at, and use keyword searches such as “Christmas” or “holiday.” Fill out the Special Events application form at to add your event.
Our club, the Quaboag Amateur Radio Club, in Western Mass sponsored an event like this years ago, and it was a huge hit with the kids at the pre-school, where we had set up the station, using our local repeater on 220 Mhz. So, if you are members of a club, which may be sponsoring an event such as this, let me know and we can get it some visibility.
Source: ARRL
From: Kevin N1KL