75 Meter Extra Class WAS Net

Special Thanks

                                                                        THANK YOU        

At the risk of getting my web site mentor mad at me, I would like to take a minute to thank Al,  AE2T for his efforts in keeping the GERATOL web site up and running for so many years.

We reference the web site to all our new check-ins as a resource for all matters GERATOL.   In addition, many of us use the site to get the details on new awards, endorsements, etc. etc.

The site is easy to navigate for new and old users alike,  and all key pointers can be found right on the opening page.

Al recently documented his desire to retire from his GERATOL Web Site efforts as a post on the site,  and take a well deserved break.  We want to thank  him for is efforts, and appreciate his continued support of the GERATOL Net.

Kevin  N1KL



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