Hi all, several of the folks working on their basic are in need of either WA or OR or both. To assist them in working those western states, Kevin N1KL will be operating (pending availability of remote stations) from both states, starting at 0300Z or 10:00PM Eastern time, on 3.668 Mhz this Wednesday evening, 2/23/23.
Given the current conditions, it’s been rough for our West Coast ops to check into the net, before it concludes each evening. To assist those ops in need of WA and/or OR or both, Kevin will on this Wednesday evening.
Both N5WGA and W3NU have confirmed they will be on freq to work one or both stations.
Anyone else who needs the following from OR or WA, feel free to join us:
1×2 Call
Initial Call
Navy Vet
G and D numbers
If interested, feel free to join us, and if you wish, send me an email to n1kl@arrl.net to let me know you will be joining us, and I will make sure to put out a call for you.
73, Kevin – N1KL
Will try to catch you Kevin. 73
OK Steve, we will be on the lookout for you Wednesday evening…..I’ll put my best set of headphones on, so I can hear all you guys !!! 73, Kevin