Featured Member
Those who frequent the net, are familiar with Joe, WS8X. Joe is one of two Loverti’s on the net, the other of course Joe Sr. WW8X from Ohio.
Joe serves as our Saturday evening Net Control station. Saturday evenings are often one of the busiest on the net, even during these days of rough conditions, and Joe does a great job handling all the check-ins and keeping the net moving along efficiently, with a touch of humor as well.
For those wondering how Joe puts out such a strong signal from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, his current station consists of a 40/80 Meter Parallel dipole. He also sports a Multi band doublet. His current rigs are an ICOM 751A and an ICOM 7300 along with a Drake L7 amp.
Joe and his sidekick at his Ham Shack
Joe was first licensed in 2001 with the call KC8RNF. His first station was comprised of an ICOM 745, MFJ Versa Tuner, which he loaded into a G5RV antenna. Joe was fortunate in his selection of Elmer’s to get him started, namely his Dad, Joe – WW8X. Like many of us, Joe has his WAL, or Worked All Licenses, going from Novice, all the way up to Extra Class. In addition to WW8X, Joe has three uncles who are also Ham Radio Operators.
Joe recalls his first DX QSO was with a station in Western Europe. Funny, how we keep those type of events in our Ham Radio memory banks. Our first QSO, first DX contact, first CW QSO, etc. Fun stuff.
Joe achieved his WAS via the GERATOL net, achieving G # 2607 in 2011. He later added his Director’s number 737 to his GERATOL achievements.
Those of us who are regular check-ins to the net, know that Joe is Active Duty Coast Guard (Thank you for your service Joe), where as a Radioman, he handled numerous Search and Rescue cases. I bet some of those would make great stories to hear more about if any of us have a chance for an eyeball with Joe. He’s been in the Coast Guard since 1999.
Feel free to comment on this post about Joe – WS8X, on our website, or fire him off a note, and thank him for his service to our country and his support of the GERATOL Net.
Kevin N1KL
Thanks for your service to our Country Joe, and for your assistance to the GERATOL Net as our Saturday evening NCS !
Thank you for your service Joe, not only for our great country but for what you do for the net.
This is a nice write-up about a great son and best friend a dad could have. Joe is celebrating his big 40 birthday today, so this quite a surprise!