New Files Available:
For those who use Frosty’s GNEC/GLIST, there is a brand spanking new file, with updated “G and D number” listings. The file can be found on our website under the “Files” tab on the tool bar at top of page. Then go to “Additional Aids and Files for the GERATOL Net” tab, and the new file is posted there. Thanks to Frosty for updating the files on a regular basis.
For those who have not yet loaded Frosty’s program, feel free to do so, since it is a great way to keep track of your progress on all Awards and Endorsements.
New GERATOL Website Subscribers:
We would like to welcome Mark, KI5TOC to our GERATOL Website, and to the GERATOL Net. Thanks for taking the time to register on our website Mark, and if you have any questions about the website or the net in general, feel free to email me at
The net operating season is coming to an end, (April 30th), so if you have not checked into the net for a while, time is running out until the next session resumes on October 1st.
Come join us before the season ends, just to say hi and renew acquaintances. We still meet at 0100Z on 3.668Mhz. Come on frequency and say hi !!
As this season runs down, stay tuned for some updates on the website during the off season. We are working on some new CHALLENGES for all, both the regulars as well as those folks working on their basic, so keep an eye on the website for future updates about some fun and challenging news about the net.
Once again, the continued survival of our net, depends on our dedicated Net Control Operators who run the net each and every day, despite rough conditions, etc. Thanks guys for all your efforts this past season, and upcoming seasons as well.
All the best from the Net Administrator, and have a GREAT summer. 73, Kevin N1KL