75 Meter Extra Class WAS Net

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W0FP called a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the GERATOL Net to order at 1900 CST on 3 January 2014 for the purpose of electing Officers for the new year. Present for the meeting were: Chairman-W0FP, Vice-Chairman-VE3SIQ, Secretary-AA0ZP, Awards Secretary-KJ8V, Treasurer-KJ8W, Publicity Officer-N1KL, NCS Coordinator-N8OR, and QSL Bureau Manager-WX4H. Absent were:AI4IL and K7OC.

W0FP read the list of nominees for elected offices: Chairman-W0FP, Vice-Chair-VE3SIQ, Secretary-AA0ZP, and Treasurer-KJ8W. He then asked if there were and further nominations: there was one for Vice-Chair-WV9O.

A motion was made to close the nominations. The motion was seconded and by vote was unanimously approved.

By unanimous vote all of the nominated individuals were approved with the exception of the office of Vice-Chairman. A run-off vote between the two individuals will be held and decided by submitting member votes to AA0ZP by the end of January 2014. Votes must include the candidate being voted for, the voting members call-sign and GERATOL number and be submitted by midnight (Eastern Standard Time) on 31 January 2014. The vote may be via eMail, US Mail in the form of a postcard or QSL, or via a written/typed personal note. The votes will be tallied and the count announced by the Chairman on the Geratol Net the evening of calendar date 31 January 2014.

A motion to adjourn was made by AA0ZP and seconded by N1KL. The board unanimously approved the motion. The Chairman closed the meeting at 1904 CST.

Respectfully submitted, Frank Taylor, AA0ZP-GERATOL Net Secretary

Frank’s email is

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New Award: 20/20

The Geratol Board has approved a new award called the 20/20 Award. This flyer explains the award.

20-20 Award

Click to download PDF

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New QSL Bureau Manager

I’ve received word that we’ve had a change in the QSL Bureau. Effective immediately, the new manager is Mike Norred, WX4H, #2627.

Long-time manager (as long as I can remember!) “Big” Jon Kirkman, W4WDH, #35, is retiring due to health issues. Jon has performed this duty for many years in the background, helping make the net a success. I wish him all the best.

Submissions to the new manager should go to the new address:

Geratol QSL Bureau

MIke Norred WX4H
35 Lee Rd 839
Phenix City, AL 36870

The page in this web site has been updated with this new information as well. A big thanks to Mike for stepping up and taking over this important job.

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Nominations Requested

We have a Nomination Committee set up
for the election of officers for 2014-2015
The committee members are:

1 – N1KL Kevin MA
2 – W2RK Chuck NJ
3 – W5ER Ed PA
4 – WX4H Mike AL
5 – WG5N Dale OK
6 – W6VY Bob CA
7 – N7UT Doug UT
8 – N8OR John MI
9 – KE9TC Kenny IN
0 – AA0ZP Frank NE

If you have someone you want to nominate
for the election, please send their call sign,
name, state, Geratol number, and the office
that you are nominating them for to one of
the members on the committee.
Nominations are made during the month of December
and the actual election is during the month of
January 2014.

73 Frosty W0FP

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Quick Start Guide

We now have a simple 10-step guide to using the net that is ideal for those who are new to the Geratol Net. You can read it and print your copy here.

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2014 Geratol Season Heats Up!

Greetings all……..As the days grow even shorter, and the nights colder, the activity is picking up on the GERATOL net !!!

Thanks to a great combination of old-timers stopping by to say hello, and a great crop of new folks working toward their basic award, the nights on 3.668 Mhz starting at 0100Z are definitely heating up !!

We even had a few of the basic folks work the elusive Alaska this past week…..

This Saturday evening 1st shift net was exceptionally busy, with Marv, WV9O earning his pay as NCS and then some, with great work lists, and lots of check-ins !!

So if you have not yet jumped on the net this season, come on up and join us some evening……Put your state on the air for the new folks working toward their basic, and say hi to old acquaintences……we’d enjoy hearing you all !!!

Regards, Kevin N1KL Net Public Relations

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Help Needed

Well guys I am putting out another request for help. Anyone that has any Award or Endorsement issued in 1972 or EARLIER please send me the ward/endorsement number and especially the date issued if you have the info. I am still working on rebuilding the Awards database. I got great response last season and I really appreciate it as it filled in a lot of blanks. Send any info you have to and I will get put in the database.
Thanks in advance.
Best 73
Dave KJ8V
Net Awards Manager

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New Public Relations Officer

Congratulations to our new Public Relations Officer, N1KL Kevin Lynch geratol number 1371.

We held our annual October board meeting tonight and the main topic of business was our new Public Relations Officer.

73 Frosty W0FP

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Greetings fellow GERATOLLERS !!

The 2013/2014 GERATOL season is officially under way !!! It was a great Net last night to launch the season.
Kenny, KE9TC did a superb job as our Net Controller to get the season under way………

We had over 35 check-ins on the first shift, with 22 different states represented, from New England to California !!
We had one VE mobile check in from Canada as well.
We also had a few guys working on their “basic” and who are in need of some of those key states to finish up their requirements…….

Conditions were amazingly quiet for this time of year !!

So for those who may have forgotten about the net start up, jump in this evening or some night this week and join the fun !!!

Regards, Kevin N1KL

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As the season winds down…

As the Geratol Net season runs down and summer approaches, I’d like to take a minute to say a couple things here.

It’s never a bad time to thank those who volunteer. The net has some dedicated people who have performed duties for the net. Some have stepped down. Others have stepped in to take up the slack. Whether they are officers of the net, NCS stations, Awards or QSL Managers, if you’ve enjoyed your time on the net, it’s due to their efforts. Remember to thank them, whether on the air, an email, or drop them a QSL with a note.

Dayton will soon be upon us again. I’m sure the net will be represented there as usual. If you’re going, check the Yahoo page for details and to hook up with the crew.

Thanks for you input to the web page. The domain change to went well, but I somehow never noticed a bunch of images that never got their links updated. I think they’ve been corrected now, but if you notice one that doesn’t work, please let me know – with sufficient detail to find it – and I’ll correct it.

Enjoy your spring and summer. Before we know it, it will be fall and time for the net to start again.

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